Logic – Proving an Implication by Disproving Its Converse


Can we prove an ‘if’ statement by proving that its converse is false? That is, is $$\lnot (B \implies A); \text{ therefore, } (A \implies B)$$ a sound argument? Speaking to several colleagues about this has not convinced me of this. The sentence $$\lnot (B \rightarrow A) \to (A \rightarrow B)$$ is certainly valid, as can be seen from its truth table. However, its antecedent implies $\lnot A$ which feels like it should violate soundness.

Best Answer

Can we prove an ‘if’ statement by proving that its converse is false?

Proving an implication by disproving its converse is legitimate only if said implication is not quantified.

  1. Logically, the non-quantified statement $$\text{Amy being a vegan implies that she eats beef}$$ and its converse $$\text{Amy eating beef implies that she is a vegan}$$ cannot both be false: if one is false, then the other must be vacuously true.

  2. However, the quantified statement $$\text{Every vegan eats beef}$$ and its converse $$\text{Every beef-eater is a vegan}$$ are both false.


The open formula $A(x)\rightarrow B(x)$ often implicitly means the sentence $\forall x\,\Big(A(x)\rightarrow B(x)\Big),$ which is different from the sentence $A \rightarrow B.$

  1. The sentence $$\lnot (B \rightarrow A) \rightarrow (A \rightarrow B)$$ is a tautology. Thus, $$\text{not }\Big(B\to A\Big)$$ logically entails $$A \to B.$$
  2. On the other hand, the sentence $$\lnot\forall x\,\Big(B(x)\rightarrow A(x)\Big)\,\rightarrow\,\forall x\,\Big(A(x)\rightarrow B(x)\Big)$$ is (satisfiable but) invalid. Thus, $$\text{not }\forall x\, \Big(B(x)\to A(x)\Big)$$ does not logically entail $$\forall x\,\Big(A(x)\to B(x)\Big).$$

Can we prove an ‘if’ statement by proving that its converse is false? That is, is $$\lnot (B \implies A); \text{ therefore, } (A \implies B)$$ a sound argument? It is certainly valid. However, $\lnot (B \rightarrow A)$ implies $\lnot A$ which feels like it should violate soundness.

To be clear: your suggested proof/argument's premise $\lnot (B \rightarrow A)$ is satisfiable, regardless of the fact that it is consistent with your target implication $(A\to B)$'s hypothesis $A$ being false. On the other hand, if you reframe your proof as having premise $\big(\lnot (B \rightarrow A)\;\land\;A\big)$ and conclusion $B,$ then this premise is still consistent with your observation that $\lnot (B \rightarrow A)\to\lnot A$ is a tautology. In both cases, your suggested argument isn't categorically unsound. It is unsound precisely when $A$ is true and $B$ false, in which case your target implication (is false and) cannnot be proven.