Proving a variation of Lemoine’s Conjecture by assuming the strong Goldbach Conjecture

conjectureselementary-number-theorygoldbachs-conjectureopen-problemprime numbers

In 2013, when I was just a totally newbie recreational mathematician, I read about Levy's conjecture (i.e., Lemoine's conjecture, stating that all odd integers greater than 5 can be represented as the sum of an odd prime number and an even semiprime) and I came up with the idea that, by assuming Goldbach's strong conjecture as true, we would have easily deduced the following two conjectures (or at least one of them).

Conjecture 1: For every prime number $p_0 \geq 7$, there exists (at least) one pair of distinct primes ($p_1, p_2$) such that $p_0=2 \cdot p_1+p_2$.

Conjecture 2: $\forall n : n \in \mathbb{N}-\{0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7\}$, there exists (at least) a couple of odd primes, $p_1 \neq p_2$, such that $2 \cdot n+1=2 \cdot p_1+p_2$.

About Conjecture 1, the number of ways such that $p_0=2 \cdot p_1+p_2$ seems to increase almost linearly (see Figure below) and a brute force test has been performed up to $746562601=2 \cdot 7+746562587$, confirming the statement for every $p_0 \leq 746562601$.

Ways to write p_0 as 2 \cdot p_1+p_2
Number of ways to write $p_0$ as $2 \cdot p_1+p_2$

Any chances to prove the above by taking the strong Goldbach Conjecture as true?

Best Answer

This is an expansion of the comment above and a partial answer.

A theorem of Daniel Shiu might be partially useful in proving Conjecture 1.

Theorem (Shiu, 2000): Let $p_n$ denote the $n$-th prime. $\forall k \in \mathbb{N}$ and $a, q \in \mathbb{N}, q \ge 3$ having $\gcd(a,q) = 1$ there exist ‘strings’ of congruent primes $p_{n+1}, p_{n+2}, \dots p_{n+k}$ such that $p_{n+1} \equiv p_{n+2} \equiv \dots \equiv p_{n+k} \equiv a \pmod{q}.$

We use $P_1, P_2$ to disambiguate the notation between $k$-th prime denoted by $p_k$ and $p_1, p_2$ used in the OP's notation.

Using the theorem, if we set $a = P_2, q = P_1$ we will obtain an infinite set of primes satisfying Conjecture 1 with $P_0 = 2P_1 + P_2$.

What remains to be proved is that this covers all prime pairs satisfying Conjecture 1.


D. K. L. Shiu, Strings of Congruent Primes, Journal of the London Mathematical Society, Volume 61, Issue 2, April 2000, Pages 359–373,