Proving a formula is valid in first-order logic.


I'm asked to verify the following formula is valid:

$$\exists x (p(x)\implies q(x)) \iff (\forall x [p(x)\implies\exists x \ q(x)])$$

For the first direction, I want to assume that $p(x)\implies q(x)$ is true for some $a$, so $p(a)\implies q(a)$. I don't understand how this implies the RHS however. Take, for instance, $p(x)$ to be false when $x=a$, but true for all other $x$, and $q(x)$ is always false. Then, the LHS would be true, but the RHS would be false. Am I thinking about the problem incorrectly?

Best Answer

You are right; this equivalence does not hold. And the counterexample you give works.

In fact, we can just consider a domain with just two objects $a$ and $b$, where only $b$ has property $p$, and neither has property $q$.

Then $p(a) \to q(a)$ is true because $p(a)$ is false, and hence $\exists x~( p(x) \to q(x))$ is true.

But $(p(b) \to \exists x~q(x))$ is false, since $p(b)$ is true and $\exists x \ q(x)$ is false. Hence $\forall x~(p(x) \to \exists x~q(x))$ is false.