Combinatorics – Closed Formula from Generating Function x/(1+x+x^2)

combinatoricsdiscrete mathematicsgenerating-functionsrecurrence-relationsrecursion

Recently, when I self-learnt Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications 8th by Kenneth Rosen, I did only the even-numbered exercises which the author offers the detailed description instead of the odd ones because the odd ones and the corresponding even ones are very similar.

I has some questions about exercise 8.4-8-g) which is related with the generating function for the recurrence relation. The problem is

For each of these generating functions, provide a closed
formula for the sequence it determines.

g) $x/(1+x+x^2)$

The answer says

The key here is to recall the algebraic identity $1 − x^3 = (1 − x)(1 + x + x^2)$. Therefore the given function
can be rewritten as $x(1 − x)/(1 − x^3)$, which can then be split into $x/(1 − x^3)$ plus $−x^2/(1 − x^3)$. From
Table 1 we know that $1/(1 − x^3) = 1 + x^3 + x^6 + x^9 + \cdots$ . Therefore $x/(1 − x^3) = x + x^4 + x^7 + x^{10} + \cdots$ ,
and $-x^2/(1 − x^3) = -x^2 – x^5 – x^8 – x^{11} – \cdots$ . Thus we see that $a_n$ is 0 when $n$ is a multiple of 3, it is 1
when $n$ is 1 greater than a multiple of 3, and it is −1 when $n$ is 2 greater than a multiple of 3
. One can
check this answer with Maple.

I tried first by myself when doing this exercise without reading the answer:
\frac{x}{1+x+x^2}&=x\cdot \sum_{n=0}^{\infty}(-x-x^2)^n\\
&=x\cdot \sum_{n=0}^{\infty}(-1)^n\cdot x^n\cdot (1+x)^n\\
&=x\cdot \sum_{n=0}^{\infty}(-1)^n\cdot x^n\cdot \sum_{k=0}^n\binom{n}{k}x^k\\
&=\sum_{n=0}^{\infty}\sum_{k=0}^n\binom{n}{k}\cdot (-1)^n\cdot x^{n+k+1}\\

a_m&=\sum_{\substack{0\le k\le n\le m-1\\n+k+1=m}}\binom{n}{k}\cdot (-1)^n\\

I checked some terms for $m=3k$, $a_3=\binom{1}{1}\cdot (-1)+\binom{2}{0}\cdot 1=0$ and $a_6=\binom{5}{0}\cdot (-1)+\binom{4}{1}\cdot (1)+\binom{3}{2}\cdot (-1)=0$. Then it seems that my equation $a_m=\sum_{n=\lceil\frac{m-1}{2}\rceil}^{m-1}\binom{n}{m-n-1}(-1)^n$ is true.


Then how to prove without using the relation of my try with the book answer?
0,m\equiv 0\pmod 3\\
1,m\equiv 1\pmod 3\\
-1,m\equiv 2\pmod 3

Best Answer

I first encountered this identity in "An Alternate Approach to Alternating Sums: A Method to DIE for" by Arthur Benjamin, where it is proved on page 197. Note that his $n$ is your $m-1$, and his sum differs from yours by a factor of $(-1)^{m-1}$. The writeup is quite readable, but I summarize the idea below.

If you parametrize your final sum by $k$ instead of $n$, the unsigned sum counts the number of square-domino tilings (hereafter $s$ and $d$) of a $1\times (m-1)$ board using $k$ dominoes (and $m-1-2k$ squares). On this set we can almost define an involution that changes the number of dominoes by $1$ as follows. Break the tiling into $(sd)^p U$ where $U$ does not start with $sd$; thus it starts with a choice of either $d$ or $ss$. The involution replaces that start of $U$ with the other choice.

This pairs up all tilings except the (at most one) where $U=\varnothing$ or $U=s$. Since all other tilings pair up with their image under the involution, they sum to zero. So we only need to check the sign of the exceptional tiling, and indeed it agrees with the formula you wrote.

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