Prove $x^m\equiv a\pmod{p^k}$ have either $0$ solution or exactly $\gcd(m,\phi(p^k))$ solutions in $\mathbb{Z}_{p^k}$

elementary-number-theorygcd-and-lcmmodular arithmeticnumber theoryprime numbers

Let $a,m,k$ be integers. If $p$ is a prime such that $p\nmid a$. How to prove that $x^m\equiv a\pmod{p^k}$ has either $0$ solutions or exactly $\gcd (m,\varphi (p^k))$ solutions in $\mathbb{Z}_{p^k}$? I know that $ax\equiv c\pmod n$ has either $0$ solution or exactly $\gcd (n,a)$ solutions in $\mathbb{Z}_n$, but this doesn't seem useful here, any help would be appreciated.

Best Answer

(I will prove the equivalent claim that Rishi proposes in the comments.)

We will use the fact that there exists a primitive root $\color{blue}{g} \bmod p^k$ as long as $p\neq 2$ (as this latter case easily yields counterexamples). We then know that ${\color{blue}{g}}\,^{\color{red}a}\equiv 1\bmod p^k$ and ${\color{blue}{g}}\,^{\color{red}b}=x\bmod p^k$ for some positive integers ${\color{red}a},{\color{red}b}$ since $x$ and $1$ are relatively prime to $p$ by assumption. Hence ${\color{blue}{g}}\,^{\color{red}a}\equiv {\color{blue}{g}}\,^{{\color{red}b}m}\bmod p^k$, which implies that ${\color{red}a}\equiv {\color{red}b}m\bmod \varphi(p^k)$ as $\varphi(p^k)$ is the order of ${\color{blue}{g}} \bmod p^k$. And you know how to deal with this case.

(Have a look at this post by Bill Dubuque on modular order reduction for more information on the last step.)