Prove $x^4-18x^2+36x-27$ can never be a nonzero square rational when $x$ is rational

diophantine equationselementary-number-theorynumber theory

Prove $x^4-18x^2+36x-27$ can never be a square rational (excluding 0), when x is rational

I have tried to use modulus, but didn't get anywhere, any help would be greatly appreciated.

Best Answer

The equation $y^2=x^4-18x^2+36x-27$ is birationally equivalent to the elliptic curve $w^2=z^3-432$, with $x=\frac{w-36}{2(z-12)}$. This curve has rank $0$ and torsion group $\mathbb Z/3\mathbb Z$, hence only two rational points $(z,w)=(12,\pm36)$. If we substitute these points into the formula for $x$, the positive $w$ gives the excluded $x=3$ solution and the negative $w$ incurs a division by zero. Hence $x^4-18x^2+36x-27$ can never be a nonzero rational square for rational $x$.

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