Prove $v_p(a^2+b^2)$ is even for $a, b\in\mathbb{Z}_p$ and $p\equiv 3\pmod 4$.

number theoryp-adic-number-theoryvaluation-theory

Trying to prove that the $p$-adic valuation of $a^2 + b^2$ is even for $p$-adic integers $a$ and $b$ when $p$ is a $3\bmod 4$ prime. The result for integer $a$ and $b$ is a lemma in elementary number theory, since an integer can be expressed as the sum of integer squares if and only if all $3\bmod 4$ primes which divide it do so to an even power. I suspect the proof that this extends to $a, b\in\mathbb{Z}_p$ has to do with the density of $\mathbb{Z}$ in $\mathbb{Z}_p$ and a property of the $p$-adic valuation, but I'm not quite sure where to go with it. Any advice?

Best Answer

Suppose $v_p(a^2+b^2)=2k+1$ is odd, so $a^2+b^2\equiv 0\pmod{p^{2k+1}}$ but $a^2+b^2\not\equiv 0\pmod{p^{2k+2}}$. Now pick integers $x,y$ with $x\equiv a\pmod{p^{2k+2}}$ and $y\equiv b\pmod{p^{2k+2}}$. Now, we have $x^2+y^2\equiv 0\pmod{p^{2k+1}}$ and $x^2+y^2\not\equiv 0\pmod{p^{2k+2}}$, so $v_p(x^2+y^2)=2k+1$. This is a contradiction.