Prove there are infinitely many (x, y, z) positive integers satisfying $x^5 + y^7 = z^9$

diophantine equationsexponential functionintegersmodular arithmetic

Prove there are infinitely many (x, y, z) positive integers satisfying $x^5 + y^7 = z^9$

I have reduced the problem to finding only one solution $(x_0,y_0,z_0)$ and then using the fact that there are infinitely many solutions of the form $(x_0*k^{63},y_0*k^{45},z_0*k^{35})$

I have tried even making a program to check for high enough numbers. I've seen methods on here of 'guessing' the form of the solutions, but for other exponents, based on modulos.

any help can suffice.

Best Answer

Lets look for $2^n$ formula that might work:


so we know $2^t+2^t=2^{t+1}$

Than we look for $5 k=7l=9n-1$

$k=\frac{9n-1}{5}, l=\frac{9n-1}{7}$

we are looking for int, so you want the fractions to be integers.

It means $7|9n-1$ and $5|9n-1$ which is $35|9n-1$

Just from a look, you can tell $n=4$ will work

So $x=2^7, y=2^5, z=2^4$