Prove (?) the trichotothe property


Let $(X, \preceq)$ be a total ordered set, show that

$$ x \prec y \leftrightarrow x \preceq y \land x \neq y$$
is a transitive relation, such that for each $x$, $y$ $\in X$ exactly one case holds:
1) $x \prec y$ 2) $x=y$ 3) $y \prec x$

I am really unsure here, doesn't the transitivity and trichotomy follow from X being total ordered?
Is this the proof needed here?

Best Answer

They do follow from the fact that $\preceq$ is a total ordering, but there’s a bit of work to be done in order to show that they do.

You’re being asked to show two things. The first is that $\prec$ is transitive, i.e., that if $x,y,z\in X$ and $x\prec y\prec z$, then $x\prec z$. That $x\preceq z$ is immediate from the transitivity of $\preceq$, but you still have to show that $x\ne z$, which isn’t quite trivial.

The second is that for each $x,y\in X$, exactly one of $x\prec y$, $x=y$, and $y\prec x$ holds. You know that either $x\preceq y$ or $y\preceq x$. If $x\preceq y$, then either $x\ne y$, in which case $x\prec y$ by definition, and it’s easy to verify that $y\not\prec x$, or $x=y$, in which case by definition $x\not\prec y$ and $y\not\prec x$. Finishing it off is just more of the same sort of reasoning.

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