Prove the sum of two rational number is equal to $\frac{e}{lcm(b,d)}$ for some integer $e$.

elementary-number-theorygcd-and-lcmrational numbers

As title state:
$\frac{a}{b} + \frac{c}{d}=\frac{e}{lcm(b,d)}$ for some integer $e$.
Here is what I tried:

$\frac{a}{b} + \frac{c}{d} = \frac{ad+bc}{bd}$ Since $gcd(b,d)lcm(b,d)=bd$, so I got $\frac{ad+bc}{gcd(b,d)lcm(b,d)}$. Since these are two rational numbers, so $a, b, c, d \in \mathbb{Z}$, then by Bezout's identity: $ad+bc=gcd(b,c)$, so $\frac{gcd(b,d)}{gcd(b,d)lcm(b,d)} = \frac{1}{lcm(b,d)}$, therefore there exist an integer $e$ such that $e=1$.

That's my proof, I think there is an error within it, because I can't find an example support this proof… Can someone help me to point out where my errors are? Appreciate all helps.

Best Answer

That is not correct, because Bézout's identity doesn't say that.

However, it can be corrected. It follows from what you did that$$\frac ab+\frac cd=\frac{a\frac d{\gcd(b,d)}+c\frac b{\gcd(b,d)}}{\operatorname{lcm}(b,d)}$$and, since $a$, $\frac d{\gcd(b,d)}$, $c$, and $\frac b{\gcd(b,d)}$ are all integers, you can just take$$e=a\frac d{\gcd(b,d)}+c\frac b{\gcd(b,d)}\in\mathbb Z.$$

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