Prove the Martingale’s property if we have a special stopping time


$(X_n)$ is a sequence of $(F_n)$-adapted integrable random variables, where $(F_n)$ is a Filtration and $X_0=0$.

I have to prove that

1)$X_n$ is a martingale with a respect to $F_n$


2)for any finite stopping-time $t$ that takes at most two values, we have $E[X_t]=0$

what i have:

"1) to 2)" we can prove that $X_n$ is uniformly integrable and then use Optional Stopping Theorem to show that $E[X_t]=E[X_0]=0.$

"2) to 1)": we have that $X_n$ is integrable and adapted.

How can i show the Martingale property of $(X_n)$ here, and am i wrong in the first part?

Thanks in advance!

Best Answer

For the implication 2) implies 1):

1. Try first stopping times taking just one value; say, $t=n$ for a positive integer $n$. (Implicit in 2) is the integrability of each random variable $X_n$.)

2. Let $m<n$ be non-negative integers and let $A\in F_m$. Consider the stopping time $$ t(\omega)=\cases{ m,&$\omega\in A$;\cr n,&$\omega\in A^c$.\cr} $$