Prove the existence of the number $n$ that satisfies a property.

diophantine equationselementary-number-theory


Prove that there is a $n \in$ $ \mathbb{N} $ such that the equation has at least 2022 solutions.

$x+y+\sqrt{xy}=n$ ,with $x,y\in$ $ \mathbb{N}$


My first attempt was to fix $x$ to $0, 1, 2$ and try to simplify the problem a bit but it would not work.
I continued and wrote a c++ code in order to vizualize the expressions for a $n$ up to a large number, but it did not help me visualize any pattern.

I thought about considering the function $f(x,y) = x+y+\sqrt{xy}$. We want to find a positive integer $n$ such that $f(x,y) = n$ has at least 2022 solutions in positive integers $x$ and $y$.

Let $k$ be a positive integer. We claim that if we choose $n$ such that $n\geq k+2$ and $n^2-k\geq 4n$, then the equation $f(x,y) = n$ has at least $k+1$ solutions in positive integers $x$ and $y$.

And, here I am completely stuck! Any help or idea would be apprecieted!

Best Answer

If you focus on just finding an $n$ with many solutions (obviously $2022$ in the problem statement is just a placeholder for 'how many you want'), this problem is easy if you go the other way around: Find parameterized solutions $(x,y,n)$, then choose the parameters such that the same $n$ appears as often as you want.

Since $\sqrt{xy}$ needs to be an integer, given any $x$, choosing $y=x$ seems to be the most immediate choice to make that true. That means $n=x+x+\sqrt{x\times x}=3x$. This means $(x,x,3x)$ is a solution triple.

That means any $n$ divisible by $3$ has at least $(x,y)$ solution, namely $x=y=\frac{n}3$. But for a given $n$, this is only one solution.

But the method can be easily generalized by seeing that $y=k^2x$ for $k \in \mathbb N, k \ge 1$ also leads to a natural $\sqrt{xy}$ (the above is just $k=1$).

In that case, we get $n=x+k^2x+\sqrt{x\times k^2x} = x+k^2x+kx=(1+k+k^2)x.$

That means for each positive $x$ and $k \in \mathbb N$,

$$(x, k^2x,(1+k+k^2)x) \tag{1}$$ is a solution triple.

That means any $n$ divisible by $1+k+k^2$ has a solution of the form $(1)$. That means you 'only' need to find an $n$ that is divisible by $1+k+k^2$ for $2022$ different values of $k$, say $k=1,2,\ldots,2022$. It will be very large, but it certainly exists, let's call it $n_{2022}$.

For different $k$ the $x$ and $y$ values generated by $(1)$ are all different, because for example $x=\frac{n_{2022}}{1+k+k^2}$ and the denominator is a strictly increasing function of $k$ for positive $k$, so all the $x$ values are different.

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