Prove that two sums must be equal among the possible sums of the rows, columns, and diagonals of a $3\times 3$ arrangement of boxes.


A $3 \times 3$ arrangement of boxes is filled with one of the numbers one, seven, or nine. Prove that of the eight possible sums along the rows, the columns, and the diagonals, two sums must be equal.

I tried to use the pigeonhole principle, but there are ten possible ways to generate different sets/sums with cardinality three , and I am not able to eliminate enough possibilities. In addition, I tried to find a pattern by placing many possibilities without any luck.

Best Answer

You can’t have two rows with three numbers the same. If you have $$111\\777\\ *\_\_$$ or $$111\\ \_*\_\\777$$ whatever number you put in the $*$ will make two duplicate lines.

Assume we use $111$, so don’t use $777$ or $999$. We have to use all the other possibilities. There needs to be another $1$ to make $117$ and $119$, so there are only five cells for $7$ and $9$. Say there are only two $9$s. You can’t have both $991$ and $997$

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