Prove that two parametrizations of a surface M give the same tangent plane


If you have 2 parametrizations of a surface $M$, $x$ and $y$, such that for some point $P \in M$, $x(u_0,v_0)=y(s_0,t_0)=P$. How do you show that the tangent plane of $M$ at $P$ are the same? That is how do I show that $\text{Span}(x_u,x_v)=\text{Span}(y_s,y_t)$.

Best Answer

HINT: Write $x(u,v)=y(s(u,v),t(u,v))$ and use the chain rule to show that $x_u$ and $x_v$ (evaluated at $(u_0,v_0)$) are linear combinations of $y_s$ and $y_t$ (evaluated at $(s_0,t_0)$). This shows $\text{Span}(x_u,x_v)\subset\text{Span}(y_s,y_t)$. Now what?