Prove that the tangent space of a submanifold is a subspace of the tangent space of the manifold


So I ask if $M$ and $N$ are $k$-manifold and $h$-manifold of $\Bbb R^n$ respectively such that $N\subseteq M$ then the tangent space in $N$ at $y\in N$ is a subspace of the tangent space in $M$. So if $N=\partial M$ the result is surely true but otherwise I do not know.

So to prove it I covered $M$ by carefully-chosen coordinate patches. As a first case for $y\in M\setminus\partial M$ we choose a coordinate patch $\alpha:U\rightarrow V$ about $y_0$ such that $U$ is open in $\Bbb R^k$ and contains the unit cube $(0,1)^k$ and such that $\alpha$ carries a point of $(0,1)^{h}\times\{0\}^{k-h}$ to $y_0$: if we begin with an arbitrary coordinate patch $\alpha:U\rightarrow V$ about $y_0$ we can obtain one of the desired type be preceding $\alpha$ by a translation and a stretching in $\Bbb R^k$. As second case for $y_0\in\partial M$ we choose a coordinate patch $\alpha:U\rightarrow V$ such that $U$ is open in $H^k$ and $U$ contains $(0,1)^k$ and such that $\alpha$ carries a point of $(0,1)^{h}\times\{0\}^{k-h}$ to the point $y_0$. Exactly we can do this choosing a close rectangle $C:=\prod_{i=1}^k[a_i,b_i]$ about $\alpha^{-1}(y_0)$ contained in $U$ and so defining a diffeomorphism $\phi:\Bbb R^k\rightarrow\Bbb R^k$ in any $x\in\Bbb R^k$ such that $\phi[C]=[0,1]^k$ and $\phi(x_0)\in\Bbb R^h\times\{0\}^{k-h}$. Indeed if $\psi$ is the inverse of $\phi$ then $\alpha\circ\psi$ is the coordinate patch of the type described above.

So in any case if $\alpha$ is a coordinate patch of $M$ about $y\in N$ then $y=\alpha(x)$ for $x\in U\cap\Bbb R^h\times\{0\}^{k-h}$ and thus if $U_0\subseteq\Bbb R^h$ is an open set such that $U\cap\Bbb R^h\times\{0\}^{k-h}=U_0\times\{0\}^{k-h}$ then the map $\alpha\circ\iota$ is a coordinate patch of $N$ at $y$ where $\iota$ is the natural embedding of $\Bbb R^h$ in $\Bbb R^k$. So we observe that the column of the derivative of $\alpha\circ\iota$ are exactly the first $h$ column of the derivative of $\alpha$ and thus the statement follows.

So as you can see I did not able to construct the map $\phi$. In particular I tried to define it at $x\in\Bbb R^k$ trough the equation

for each $i=1,…,k$ but generally $\phi(x_0)\notin\Bbb R^h\times\{0\}^{k-h}$ where $x_0=\alpha^{-1}(y_0)$, although $\phi[C]=[0,1]^k$. So could someone help me, please?

Best Answer

Here is a coordinate-free proof. Consider the inclusion $i : N \to M$. As $N$ is a submanifold, $i$ is an embedding, and for each $p \in N$, its differential $\mathrm{d}i_p : T_p N \to T_pM$ is injective, and identifies $T_pN$ as a linear subspace $\mathrm{d}i_p(T_pN) \subset T_pM$.

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