Prove that the sum of an alternating combinatorial sequence is equal to zero.


The sum of the binomial coefficients of $(x+y)^n$ can be expressed as follows:


This can be shown to be the case using a double counting proof of all the ways of choosing subsets of a set of $n$ distinct elements. The alternating version of this sum can be shown to be equal to zero:


There are many proofs of this statement that I am aware of. A more general version of the first sum can be expressed as follows:


where $n>q$. The proof of this equality also involves a double counting proof of all the ways of choosing subsets of size at least $q$ out of a set of $n$ distinct elements and then selecting $q$ elements in each one of those subsets. Notice that if $q=0$ then this sum reduces to the original sum. Now what I want to prove is that the alternating version of this sum is also equal to zero, namely:


I have tried to get this sum to "telescope" to zero or to somehow express it in terms of the original alternating series, all to no avail. Any help in proving the identity above would be greatly appreciated.

Best Answer

The first alternating sum is the special case $x=-1$ of the general identity $$ \sum_{k=0}^n x^k\binom{n}{k}=(1+x)^n $$ (as long as we assume $n>0$).

Similarly, the second alternating sum is the special case $x=-1$ of the general identity $$ \sum_{k=q}^n x^k\binom{n}{k}\binom{k}{q} = \binom nq x^q(1+x)^{n-q} $$ (as long as we assume $n>q$).

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