Prove that the set $H =\{1, x, y, xy\}$ is a subgroup of $G$, and that it has order 4.


The question is from Michael Artin – Algebra (2nd Edition), Chapter 2, exercise 4.7.

Let $x$ and $y$ be elements of a group $G$. Assume that each of the elements $x, y$, and $xy$ has order 2. Prove that the set $H = \{1, x, y, xy\}$ is a subgroup of $G$, and that it has order 4.

My approach is simply to write out the multiplication table of $H$:

$$\begin{array}{ l | c c c r }
~ & 1 & x & y & xy \\
1 & 1 & x & y & xy\\
x & x & 1 & xy & y\\
y & y & xy & 1 & x\\
xy & xy & y & x & 1\\

which shows that multiplication within $H$ is totally defined using the four elements listed. Hence the criteria for a subgroup (closure, identity and inverse) are satisfied, and $H$ has order 4.

I'd like to know if the proof is acceptable and whether there are other approaches.

Sorry for the missing justification, it should have gone as follows(in the sequence$xxy,yx,yxy,xy,xyx,xyxy$):
$$yxxy=y(xx)y=y1y=1 $$
$$yx=(xy)^{-1} $$
and we know that $o(xy)=2$, so
Also, since
$$yxyx=xyxy=1, yxy=x^{-1}=x $$
(for o(x)=2)
and finally

Best Answer

Here's one approach:

$$\begin{align} xy&=x1y\\ &=x((xy)(xy))y\\ &=(xx)(yx)(yy)\\ &=1yx1\\ &=yx, \end{align}$$

so $x$ and $y$ commute.
So, any word in $x$ and $y$ can be written in the form $x^ry^s$, $r=0$ or $1$, $s=0$ or $1$.
So the group generated by $x$ and $y$ has only the four elements $1,x,y,xy$.