Prove that the difference of two chi square distributions is a chi square distribution, using the moment generating function

chi squaredmoment-generating-functionsprobabilityprobability distributions

I am reading through modern mathematical statistics with applications by Devore and Berk. I came across the following "exercise left to the reader" and I couldn't figure it out easily.


Use moment generating functions to show that if $$X_3 = X_1+X_2, $$
with $$X_1 \sim \chi ^2_{\nu_1},$$ $$X_3 \sim \chi ^2_{\nu_3},$$ and
$$\nu_3 > \nu_1$$ and $X_1, X_2$ are independent, then $X_2 \sim \chi^2_{\nu_3-\nu_1}$

Using the MGF we would have
$$ M_{X_2}(t) = M_{X_3-X_1}(t) = M_{X_3}(t)M_{X_1}(-t) = (1+2t)^{-\nu_3/2}(1-2t)^{-\nu_1/2} .$$

I do not see an easy way to deal with $(1+2t)^{-\nu_3/2}(1-2t)^{-\nu_1/2} $ since the exponents are not the same.

Best Answer

Prove it in the following way:

$X_1 \sim \chi_{v_3}^2$

suppose that

$X_2 \sim \chi_{v_3-v_1}^2$

thus for independence you know that


that is exactly the MGF of the distribution of $X_3$