Prove that the closure of a connected subset is also connected


So far my proof goes like this. Let $(S, d)$ be a connected subspace of $(X, d)$. By contradiction, suppose $\overline S$ is not connected. Then, we can write $\overline S = A \cup B$, where $A, B$ are non-empty, disjoint, open (in $\overline S$) subsets of $\overline S$. Moreover, since $S \subset \overline S$, then $S = (S \cap A) \cup (S \cap B)$. Take $x \in S$, and assume without loss of generality that $x \in A$. Then it follows that $S\cap A \neq \varnothing$. How can I show that $S \cap B \neq \varnothing$ to get a contradiction?

Best Answer

I am not sure how to hint more in the comments without giving away the answer, so I guess I should respond with an answer. Also, I should apologize that I made things more complicated than necessary in the comments; in particular, in the end, there was no real reason to introduce another small open $U$. I'm not sure why I thought there was. Anyways...

You can use the following characterization of closures: a point $p\in X$ is in the closure $\bar S$ of $S$ iff every neighborhood of $p$ intersects $S$ (otherwise, if $V$ is a neighborhood of $p$ disjoint from $S$, then $\bar S\cap(X\setminus V)$ would be a smaller closed set containing $S$, a contradiction).

In the present case, we pick $p\in B\subset\bar S$. Since $B$ is open, it is an open neighborhood of a point of the closure, so we must have $B\cap S\neq\emptyset$.

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