Prove that $\sum_{i=0}^{m}{\binom{n-i}{k}}=\binom{n+1}{k+1}-\binom{n-m}{k+1}$



I need to prove the following expression for $n>m+k$:


My Solution

Define $S$ as a set containing the first $n+1$ positive integers. From $S$ we create subsets with $k+1$ elements.

Since $\binom{n-i}{k}$ is the number of subsets with $n-i+1$ as their greatest element, the left hand side of the equation gives the number of subsets where the greatest element is greater than $n-m$.

The right hand side is an alternative method to count such subsets; we count the number of all possible subsets then subtract the number of subsets with all elements less than or equal to $n-m$

Because both left hand side and right hand side count the same objects, they must be equal.

I want to know if my solution is correct and if there’s any alternative

Best Answer

Your way is fine.

Here's another way: proceed using induction.

The proposition is true if $m=0$:

$${\binom{n-0}{k}}=\binom{n+1}{k+1}-\binom{n-0}{k+1}$$ because


Suppose it is true that




which equals


which, because




as required.