Prove that some group is infinite based on its presentation.


Suppose $G$ is a group with presentation $$G = \langle a, b, c\mid a^2=b^2=c^2=(ab)^3=(bc)^3=(ca)^3=1\rangle.$$

I want to show that this group is of infinite order.

I think since the element $abc$ is of infinite order, we can conclude that $G$ is infinite. I feel that for any $n \in\mathbb{N},$ we have that $(abc)^n = (abc)(abc) \cdots (abc)$ (with $n$ factors) cannot be reduced further, as we do not have any relations involving $a, b,$ and $c$ consecutively. But I also think that this reasoning is not that convincing, and hence, I am asking for help.

Best Answer

You want to give a homomorphism from $G$ to a suitable group, such that the image of $abc$ has infinite order. For $G$ I cannot think of one without having to go into nasty matrix coefficients, but the following works:

Let $U=\langle b,abc\rangle$. This subgroup has index $[G:U]=3$. Then (by Reidemeister rewriting) $U$ has a presentation $$ \langle b,d=abc\mid b^2,d^2bd^{-2}b\rangle $$ in these two generators, which means that for the infinite cyclic group $C_\infty=\langle z\rangle$ the map $U\to C_\infty$, $b\mapsto 1$, $d\mapsto z$ is a homomorphism that proves that the order of $abc$ must be infinite.

Addendum: Actually, by inducing this representation up to $G$, we get a homomorphism into a matrix group, in which the image of $abc$ has infinite order:

Take the homomorphism $G\to\mbox{GL}_3(\mathbb{Q})$ given by $$ a\mapsto \left(\begin{array}{rrr}% 0&1&0\\% 1&0&0\\% 0&0&1\\% \end{array}\right)% ,\qquad b\mapsto \left(\begin{array}{rrr}% 1&0&0\\% 0&0&2\\% 0&1/2&0\\% \end{array}\right)% ,\qquad c\mapsto \left(\begin{array}{rrr}% 0&0&1\\% 0&1&0\\% 1&0&0\\% \end{array}\right). $$

It is easy to verify that the images satisfy the relations, so it is a homomorphism. But it maps $abc$ to $$ \left(\begin{array}{rrr}% 2&0&0\\% 0&0&1\\% 0&1/2&0\\% \end{array}\right)% $$ which clearly has infinite order.

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