Group Theory – Prove Inn(S_n) is Isomorphic to S_n


Show that ${\rm Inn}(S_n)$ isomorphic to $S_n$ for $n\ge3$.

To do this, if I define some isomorphic function say $\phi$, where $\phi: S_n \to{\rm Inn}(S_n)$, then show that $\phi$ is bijective (by showing injective and surjective), and a homomorphism, is this enough to prove the statement above?

I show it won't hold for $S_2$, but I'm not sure if my proof is strong enough to prove isomorphism for all $n\ge3$.

Best Answer

The map $j$ that sends

$a\in S_n$


$f_a:S_n\to S_n$ defined by $f_a(x)=axa^{-1}$

is a group homomorphism from $S_n$ to $\text{Inn}(S_n)$.

The question is whether $j$ is bijective.

It is surjective, almost by definition.

For $n\geq3$, it is injective. Why?


$\implies\forall x\in S_n:axa^{-1}=bxb^{-1}$

$\implies\forall x\in S_n:x=a^{-1}\;b\;x\;b^{-1}\;a$

$\implies\forall x\in S_n:x=(b^{-1}a)^{-1}\;x\;b^{-1}a$

$\implies b^{-1}a$ commutes with every element of $S_n$

$\implies b^{-1}a=e$

$\implies a=b$.