Prove that $\operatorname{int}(A)$ is a subset of $A’$ (the derived set of $A$)


I have to prove that $\operatorname{int}(A)$ is a subset of $A'$, the derived set of $A$, where $A \subseteq \Bbb{R}$. By definition, I know that an interior point of a set $A$ is a point which is a member of $A$ and if there exists an $\varepsilon > 0$ such that there is a neighborhood which is a subset of the set $A$ or rather $N(x,r)$ where $x$ is the centre point and $r$ is the radius.

I also know that a limit point is a point as it relates to the same set $A$ if every deleted neighborhood of $x$ contains a point of $A$. Therefore intuitively I know if you look at a limit point based on the deleted neighborhood there would be points in $A$ which will be contained within that deleted neighborhood such that interior points of $A$ are subsets of the limit point. I'm just confused as to how I show this or rather prove it. Can anyone guide me?

Best Answer

Let $A\subset \Bbb R$.

Let $a\in A^o$.

Then $\exists$ a neighborhood $N_a$ of $a$ such that $N_a\subset A$.

Take an interval $(a-\epsilon, a+\epsilon) \subset \Bbb N_a$.

Define $a_n=a+1/n$.

For $n\gt 1/\epsilon$, we have $ a_n\in A$.

And clearly $a_n\to a$.

And $a_n\neq a,\forall n$.

$\therefore a\in A'$.