Prove that $\{\leftrightarrow,xor\}$ is not a complete set of connectives.


I want to prove that $\{\leftrightarrow,+\}$ is not a complete/adequate set of connectives.(+ is $xor$)

I define a set $\Phi$ as the smallest set of all wffs that use only connectives from this set $\{\leftrightarrow,+\}$ and :

  1. If A is a propositional variable then $A\in\Phi$.
  2. If $\phi_1,\phi_2\in\Phi$ then $\phi_1 \leftrightarrow \phi_2\in \Phi$ and $\phi_1+\phi_2\in\Phi$.

Now I have to find a property that holds for every $\phi\in\Phi$ but not in general.
After some experiments I found that every $\phi\in\Phi$ has an even number of True values in its truth table. Then if I take the disjunction of $\phi_1,\phi_2\in\Phi$, we prove that the property doesn't hold. So, we have proved that the set $\{\leftrightarrow,+\}$ is not adequate.
How can I prove this property? I tried with induction but I got stuck.


Best Answer

What you’re suggesting doesn’t quite work as you’ve stated it: a propositional variable has only one True value in its truth table. However, it is true that every $\varphi\in\Phi$ either is a propositional variable or has an even number of True values in its truth table.

The standard approach is to prove it by induction on the complexity of the wff. The basis step is to check that every propositional variable has it; this is clearly true. The induction step is to show that if $\varphi,\psi\in\Phi$, and $\varphi$ and $\psi$ both have the property, then $\varphi\leftrightarrow\psi$ and $\varphi+\psi$ both have the property.

You can see an example of such an argument in my answer to this question.