Prove that $ \kappa\times\lambda=\lambda $


let $ \kappa<\lambda $ and assume $ \aleph_{0}\leq\lambda $

prove that: $ \kappa\times\lambda=\lambda $

So, my attempt, based on the fact that i already proved for infinite cardinals $ \lambda $ that it follows : $ \lambda\times\lambda=\lambda $

if $ \kappa\neq0 $
choose $ \kappa,\lambda $ to be ordinals (we can choose because the definition cardinal arithmetic is well defined)

then $ \kappa\times\lambda\subseteq\lambda\times\lambda=\lambda $

and therefore $ \lambda\leq\kappa\times\lambda\leq\lambda $

and from Cantor-Bernstein theorem, it follows that $ \kappa\times\lambda=\lambda $

But im not sure what about the case $ \kappa =0$ is the statement holds? I mean what happens when we multiply the cardinal zero with infinity?

Thanks in advance

Best Answer

You are right, the case $\kappa = 0$ requires special attention. In that case we are looking at $0 \times \lambda$, which is just the cardinality of $\emptyset \times \lambda = \emptyset$. So $0 \times \lambda = 0$.

In particular, the inequality $\lambda \leq \kappa \times \lambda$ will not hold if $\kappa = 0$. But for any other $\kappa$ it will hold and your proof is correct.