Prove that if $\vec v$ and $\vec w$ are orthogonal then $\|\vec v+\vec w\|=\|\vec v\|+\|\vec w\|$

inner-productslinear algebrasolution-verificationtriangle-inequality

So if $\vec V$ is a real vector space equipped with an inner product $\langle\cdot,\cdot\rangle$, then using the polar identity, it is not hard to show that the equality
\|\vec v+\vec w\|=\|\vec v\|+\|\vec w\|

holds if and only if
\langle\vec v,\vec w\rangle=\|\vec v\|\cdot\|\vec w\|

and by the Cauchy-Schwarz theorem the last equality holds if and only the vectors $\vec v$ and $\vec w$
are linearly dependent. So if $\vec v$ and $\vec w$ are orthogonal we conclude that the first equality does not holds, that is
\|\vec v+\vec w\|<\|\vec v\|+\|\vec w\|

by the triangular inequality. However this it seems to me strange because the Pythagoras' theorem must hold for any $n$ orthogonal vectors: indeed if the vectors $\hat e_i$ for $i=1,…,n$ are the vectors of the canonical basis then
\|\hat e_1+…+\hat e_n\|=\sqrt n=\underbrace{1+…+1}_{\text{n times}}=\|\hat e_1\|+…+\|\hat e_n\|

and clearly this holds for any orthonormal basis. So why my first argument is incorrect? and how to prove the statement? Could someone help me, please?

Best Answer

It turns out that$$\sqrt n<\overbrace{1+1+\cdots+1}^{n\text{ times}}=n$$and that therefore$$\left\|\widehat{e_1}+\widehat{e_2}+\cdots+\widehat{e_n}\right\|<\left\|\widehat{e_1}\right\|+\left\|\widehat{e_2}\right\|+\cdots+\left\|\widehat{e_n}\right\|.$$