Prove that if $a+b$ is an irrational number, then at least one of $a$ or $b$ is irrational.


I came across this question in a book. I tried proving the condition as the following: Suppose that a and b are rational. Clearly the sum of $a$ and $b$ is rational, which contradicts the condition, which is that $a+b$ is irrational. Therefore at least one of a or b is irrational.

I have a feeling that something is amiss there. I feel like using contrapositive proof here could be better but I'm not sure because I'm new to the world of proofs.

Best Answer

The statement you're trying to prove is $\forall a,b\, (a+b\notin \Bbb{Q} \implies a\notin \Bbb{Q} \text{ or } b \notin \Bbb{Q})$. This is simply the symbolic translation of the statement "for every $a,b$, if $a+b$ is irrational then atleast one of $a$ or $b$ is irrational".

Here, the statement $X$ is "$a+b\notin \Bbb{Q}$", and the statement $Y$ is "$a\notin \Bbb{Q} \text{ or } b \notin \Bbb{Q}$". So, the contrapositive of "for every $a,b$ ($X \implies Y$)" is "for every $a,b$ $(\neg Y \implies \neg X)$", which in this case is:

For every $a,b$ we have ($a\in \Bbb{Q}$ and $b\in \Bbb{Q} \implies a+b \in \Bbb{Q}$)

and this is what you argued.

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