Prove that if AB-BA=B then A and B share a common eigenvector

linear algebra

To clarify, this is a question from a contest–It's from a Chinese contest, a problem from year 2010. $A$ and $B$ are operators $V\to V$ on the complex vector space $V$. I've attempted the problem but seem to have come to some contradictions: First we note $$AB=BA+B$$ And hence if $v$ is an eigenvector of $A$ s.t. $Av=av$, which exists since $A$ is complex, we have $ABv=BAv+Bv=(a+1)Bv$, and hence $Bv$ is also an eigenvector of $A$, with eigenvalue $a+1$.
Proceeding inductively, we have an infinite amount of eigenvalues for $A$, which cannot be possible because each eigenvalue is a root of the characteristic polynomial, which has finite degree, hence $Bv$ has to be zero for each eigen vector of $A$. *not too sure about this part.
Then it remains to show that $A$ has nontrivial kernel,but I'm not sure if my previous arguments have been made correctly.

Best Answer

If $Bv=0$, then $v$ is an eigenvector of $B$, too.

Suppose $Bv\ne 0$. Inductively $AB^mv=(a+m)B^mv$, so $a+m$ is an eigenvalue of $A$ provided that $B^mv\ne0$. Since $A$ has only finitely many eigenvalues, we must have $B^mv=0$ for some $m\ge2$. Choose $m$ minimal with this property. Then $B^{m-1}v$ is a common eigenvector of $A$ and $B$.