Prove that $\frac{d}{dt}|_{t=t_0}(\theta_t^*A)_p=(\theta_{t_0}^*(\mathscr{L}_VA))_p$, 12.36 in Lee’s Introduction to Smooth Manifolds

derivativesdifferential-geometrydifferential-topologylie derivativesmooth-manifolds

I'm interested in the proof of the following proposition, given in 12.36 of John M. Lee's Introduction to Smooth Manifolds:

Suppose $M$ is a smooth manifold with or without boundary and $V\in \mathfrak{X}(M)$. If $\partial M\not=\varnothing$, assume in addition thaat $V$ is tangent to $\partial M$. Let $\theta$ be the flow of $V$. For any smooth covariant tensor field $A$ and any $(t_0,p)$ in the domain of $\theta$,


My only concern has to do with the first line of the proof:

After expanding the definitions of the pullbacks in $(*)$, we see that we have to prove


Why proving this statement implies $(*)$? What is the reasoning behind this? Thanks in advance for your attention.

Best Answer

As Lee says, this is just the definition of the pullback: you know that, if $A$ is a $k$-covariant tensor and $X_1,\dots,X_k\in T_pM$,


where the last star has to be understood as the linear pullback (if you have a multilinear map $L:F\times\dots\times F\to\mathbb{R}$ and a linear map $f:E\to F$, then you define a multilinear map $f^*L:E\times\dots\times E\to\mathbb{R}$ by $f^*L(V_1,\dots,V_k)=L(f(V_1),\dots,f(V_k))$).

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