Prove that $\frac{3}{5} + \frac{4}{5}i$ is not a root of unity

complex numbersproof-verification

I want to prove that $z=\frac{3}{5} + \frac{4}{5}i$ is not a root of unity, although its absolute value is 1.

When transformed to the geometric representation: $$z=\cos{\left(\arctan{\frac{4}{3}}\right)} + i\sin{\left(\arctan{\frac{4}{3}}\right)}$$ According to De Moivre's theorem, we get:
$$z^n= \cos{\left(n\arctan{\frac{4}{3}}\right)} + i\sin{\left(n\arctan{\frac{4}{3}}\right)}$$

Now, if for $n\in \mathbb{N}: z^n=1$, then the imaginary part of the expression above must be zero, therefore:

$$\sin{\left(n\arctan{\frac{4}{3}}\right)}=0 \iff n\arctan{\frac{4}{3}} = k\pi, \ \ \ k \in \mathbb{N}$$

And we get that for $z$ to be a root of unity for some natural number $n$, $n$ must be in the form:
$$n = \frac{k\pi}{\arctan{\frac{4}{3}}}, \ \ \ k \in \mathbb{N}$$

On the other hand, for $z^n=1$ it must be that:

$$\cos{\left(n\arctan{\frac{4}{3}}\right)} = 1 \iff n\arctan{\frac{4}{3}} = 2l\pi, \ \ \ l \in \mathbb{N}$$

and thus

$$n = \frac{2l\pi}{\arctan{\frac{4}{3}}}, \ \ \ l \in \mathbb{N}$$

By comparing those two forms of $n$, it must be the case that $k=2l$ and for $n$ to satisfy $z^n = 1$. What follows is that $n$ should be in the form

$$n = \frac{2l\pi}{\arctan{\frac{4}{3}}}, \ \ \ l \in \mathbb{N}$$

But, at the same time, $n$ must be a natural number. Should I prove now that such $n$ cannot even be a rational number, let alone a natural one? Or how should I approach finishing this proof?

Best Answer

You've reduced your problem to showing that $\arctan(4/3)$ is not a rational multiple of $\pi$. Take a look at Niven's theorem. (This is pretty much equivalent to your problem in difficulty - as far as I know the bulk of any proof that $\arctan(x)$ is not a rational multiple of $\pi$ for some specific rational $x$ can be generalized to all rational $x$ for which it is true.)

If you haven't seen this theorem before, and want to try to come up with a proof, I'll give you a hint: the key ingredients are Chebyshev polynomials and the rational root theorem.

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