Prove f(n)=n^2 for Strictly Increasing Multiplicative Function


Let $f:\mathbb N\to\mathbb N$ be a strictly increasing function with $f(2)=4$ which is completely multiplicative i.e $f(ab)=f(a)f(b)$ for all $a,b\in\mathbb N$. Prove that $f(n)=n^2$ for all $n\in\mathbb N$.

This is an exercise on induction. So I am looking for an inductive solution. Here is my progress:

It is easy to see that $f(1)=1$. For the base case, we need to find $f(3)$ which I had some difficulties to find. Now $$ f(3^2) > f(2^3) = 64 \implies f(3)>8\\ f(3^8)<f(2^{13})=67108864\implies f(3)<10

So $8<f(3)<10$ or $f(3)=9$. Now I can show that $f(2^k)=4^k$ for all $k\in\mathbb N$. Then I tried to prove $f(n+1)=(n+1)^2$ assuming $f(i)=i^2$ for all $i\leq n$. But this doesn't work.

So how do I solve the problem?

Best Answer

You have already shown the cases $n=1,2$. Now we want to do the induction step. To simplify notation I write $m=n+1$. If $m$ is not prime, we are done (as we can just use the induction hypothesis on the factors). Thus, in the following we will assume that $m$ is prime. First we show a lower bound

$$ f(m)^2=f(m^2) > f(m^2-1)=f(m+1) f(m-1) = (m+1)^2 (m-1)^2 = (m^2-1)^2.$$ We used that $m$ is prime and thus $m\pm 1$ are divisible by $2$, which implies that we can use the induction hypothesis to show $f(m\pm 1)=(m\pm 1)^2$. Taking square root yields $f(m)>m^2-1$.

Next we show the upper bound. Let $N\in \mathbb{N}_{\geq 1}$, then there exists a unique $\ell(N)\in \mathbb{N}$ such that $$ 2^{\ell(N)} \leq m^N < 2^{\ell(N)+1}.$$ Then we have $$ m^N < 2^{\ell(N)+1} \leq 2 m^N. $$ Thus, we obtain $$ f(m)^N < f(2^{\ell(N)+1}) = (2^{\ell(N)+1})^2 < 4 m^{2N}. $$ After taking the $N$th root, we get $$ f(m) \leq 4^{1/N} m^2. $$ Hence, for $N\rightarrow \infty$ we get $$ f(m) \leq m^2. $$ Combining the upper and the lower bound we get $f(m)=m^2$.

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