Prove that $F(\alpha)\cong F[x]/(m_\alpha(x))$.


There is a natural homomorphism

$$\phi:F[x]\to F(\alpha)$$


obtained by a mapping which leaves coefficient of polynomial unchanged and sends $x$ to $\alpha$.

Clearly $m_\alpha(x)\in \operatorname{ker}\phi$. Where $\operatorname{ker}\phi=\{p(x)\in F[x]:p(\alpha)=0\}$. So we obtain an induced homomorphism:

$$\phi:F[x]/(m_\alpha(x))\to F(\alpha).$$

 $F[x]$ is P.I.D. which is generated by unique monic polynomial $m_\alpha(x)$.  which is irreducible since the homomorphism $\phi$ is a surjection onto the field $F(\alpha)$.

 Therefore $F[x]/(m_\alpha(x))$ is a field. the map $\phi$ is not the zero map . 
Therefore , $\phi$ is injective ring homomorphism. By the definition of $F(\alpha)$ the map $\phi$ must be surjective.

 It follows that $\phi$ is isomorphism. Hence $F[x]/(m_\alpha(x))\cong F(\alpha)$.

Is the proof correct?

Best Answer

The homomorphism $\psi$ is defined in a confusing way. Actually, it is defined as follows: for any polynomial $p(X)\in F[X]$, we set $$\psi(p(X)))=p(\alpha)$$ which amounts to defines the image of the indeterminate $X$ as $X\mapsto\alpha$.

Now $\,\ker\psi=\{p(X)\in F[X]\mid p(\alpha)=0\}$, i.e. the ideal of polynomials which have $\alpha$ as a root. As $F[X]$ is a P.I.D., it is generated by a unique minimal polynomial, which is irreducible since the homomorphism $\psi$ is a surjection onto the field $F[\alpha]$.

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