Prove that every prime ideal that isn’t maximal is a minimal prime ideal


Suppose that the additive group of the ring $R$ is a finitely generated abelian group. If $P$ is a maximal ideal of $R$, show that $R/P$ is a finite field. Show that every prime ideal of $R$ that is not maximal is a minimal prime ideal.

I managed to prove the first part, but I'm not sure about the second. And I have no idea how to connect prime ideals of $R$ with the condition on the additive group of $R$.

Best Answer

It is equivalent to show that every non-minimal ideal is maximal. If $P\subsetneq Q\subset R$ are prime ideals, we can view $Q$ as an ideal of the integral domain $R/P$. The additive group of $R/P$ is also finitely generated, so it suffices to show that if $R$ is an integral domain with finitely generated additive group, then every non-zero prime ideal of $R$ is maximal.

Suppose $R$ is an integral domain whose additive group is finitely generated, and let $n$ be the rank of the additive group. Suppose $P\subset R$ is a non-zero prime ideal, and take $x\in P\backslash\{0\}$. Since multiplication by $x$ is a bijection of $R$ onto $xR$, the rank of $xR$ is $n$, so the rank of $P$ is also $n$. The quotient of a finitely generated abelian group by a subgroup with the same rank is finite, so $R/P$ is a finite integral domain, hence a field. It follows that $P$ is maximal.

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