Prove that every plane triangulation has at least $n(n \ge 4)$ edges $e$ with the property that the only triangles containing $e$ are faces.

graph theoryplanar-graphs

I am trying to prove the following theorem.

Theorem Every maximal planar graph of order 4 or more is 3 connected.

I looked up similar questions(prove-that-every-maximal-planar-graph-of-order-4-or-more-is-3-connected) and found that Raoul provided a detailed answer details.pdf with the help of the following lemma.

Lemma Every plane triangulation with $n ≥ 4$ vertices has at least $n$ edges $e$ with the property that the only triangles containing $e$ are faces.

I did not understand one of the steps of the proof.

Thus, at most $3$ edges with the desired property are lost in the
combining, leaving us with $|V_1| + |V_2| − 3 = n$ such edges, as desired.

I feel that if all edges on $t$ satisfy the property the only triangles containing them are faces
whether inside or outside.
Then it should become at least $|V_1| + |V_2| − 6$ in the combining not $|V_1| + |V_2| − 3$.

For example, in graph G below, we choose $C_3= uvw$, Any edge of the circle satisfies the condition in $C^{int}$ and $C^{out}$ but all lose the desired property in $G$.

enter image description here

If this lemma is incorrect, how should the theorem be proved?

In order to eliminate the confusion caused by the possible invalidation of the pdf file link, I re-copy the reference answer here.

Fix an embedding of the triangulation.

First, we prove that every plane triangulation with $n ≥ 4$
vertices has at least $n$ edges $e$ with the property that the only
triangles containing $e$ are faces
. The proof is by induction on
$n$ . The base is case is $K_4$ and holds trivially because all $6$
edges have this property.

For the induction, pick any triangle $t$ that is not a face. We split
the graph into two parts, $G_1 = (V_1, E_1)$ and $G_2 = (V_2, E_2)$ ,
where $G_1$ is the induced graph on $t$ and all of the vertices
inside $t$ in the embedding and $G_2$ is the induced graph on $t$
and all of the vertices outside $t$ . Both graphs are plane
triangulations and both have fewer than n vertices. So, by induction,
there are $|V_1| + |V_2| = n + 3$ edges in the two graphs with the
desired property. When we combine the graphs, the only edges that can
lose this property are the edges of $t$ because no edges pass between
any of the other vertices of to any of the other vertices of $G_2$ .
Thus, at most $3$ edges with the desired property are lost in the
combining, leaving us with $|V_1| + |V_2| − 3 = n$ such edges,

Best Answer

I agree that the proof of the lemma is bad. The lemma might still be true, but I don't see how to prove it offhand.

I don't think we need the full power of the lemma. It's enough to show that:

Lemma. Every plane triangulation with $n \ge 4$ vertices has at least $6$ edges $e$ with the property that the only triangles containing $e$ are faces.

Proof. We do the same induction, except that $G_1$ and $G_2$ both contain $6$ of these edges. $3$ of those edges in $G_1$ might be edges of $t$ (so they don't count), and the same for $G_2$, but that still leaves $3$ edges in $G_1$ and $3$ in $G_2$ that do count, for a total of $6$. $\square$

We can carry out the proof that all plane triangulations with $n\ge 4$ vertices are $3$-connected, even if we only have the weaker version. All we need is that:

  • If $\{u,v\}$ is a cut of $G$, then we don't contract edge $uv$.
  • If we can partition $V(G)-\{u,v\}$ into $X \cup Y$ with no edges between $X$ and $Y$, then we shouldn't destroy the last vertex of $X$ or $Y$ (by contracting an edge incident to that vertex).

The first only excludes one edge at any moment. The second one doesn't constrain us at all unless $|X|=1$ or $|Y|=1$. But first of all, if $X = \{x\}$, that's at most two edges: $xu$ and $xv$ (and two more if $Y = \{y\}$). Second, I don't think that can actually happen, because at that point, the graph is pretty blatantly not a triangulation.

So having $6$ edges we can choose from to contract at any time is plenty to complete the proof.

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