Prove that every manifold is paracompact


Following Lee's book on smooth manifolds.

I'm trying to understand the proof of the theorem (Every manifold is paracompact) and there are some topological claims that i don't understand. I've marked the parts that i don't get with 4 (Why's).

Definition: A $(M,T)$ is locally compact topological space if for every $x \in M$ and an open
neighborhood $(U_x \subset M) $, $(\exists K \subset M)$ compact : $U_x \subset K$.

Definition: Let $(M,T)$ a Hausdorff. We say the subset $U\subset M$ is precompact if $\overline{U}$ is compact.

Definition: Let $(M,T)$ is paracompact if every open cover of M admits an open, locally finite refinement

Definition: Let $(M,T)$ a Hausdorff and locally compact topological space. A sequence $(K_i)_{i=1}^{\infty}$ of compact subsets of $M $ is called an exhaustion of M by compact sets if:
$1)$ $M = \cup_i K_i$
$2)$ $K_i \subset Int(K_{i+1})$

Proposition 1: Let $(M,T)$ be a Hausdorff and locally compact topological space. Then $M$ has a basis of precompact open subsets.

Proposition 2: A second-countable, locally compact Hausdorff space admits an
exhaustion by compact sets.

Theorem: A $(M,T)$ Second countable, Hausdorff and locally compact topological space is Paracompact. In fact, given a an open cover $X$ of $M$,
and any basis $\mathbb{B}$ for the topology of $M$, there exists a countable, locally finite open
refinement of X consisting of elements of $\mathbb{B}$.

Proof: Given $M$; $X$, and $\mathbb{B}$ as in the hypothesis of the theorem.

Let $(K_j)_{j=1}^{\infty}$ be an
exhaustion of $M$ by compact sets (Proposition 2).

For every $j$, Let:

$V_j = K_{j+1}-Int(K_j)$
$W_j = Int(K_{j+2})-K_{j-1}$
$K_j = \emptyset$ is $j<1$

Then $V_j$ is compact (Why 1?)
and $W_j$ is open (Why 2?)
and $V_j \subset W_j$ (Why 3?)

For every $(x \in V_j)(\exists X_x \in \mathbb{X}).$
Because $\mathbb{B}$ is a basis, $(\exists B_x \in \mathbb{B})$ s.t. $x \in B_x \subset X_x \cap W_j$ (Why 4?)

Update: Continuing the proof:

$\{B_x \in \mathbb{B}\}_{x \in V_j}$ is an open cover of $V_j$. Then for compactness of $V_j$ there exists:

$B_j=\{\{B_{x_i} \in \mathbb{B}\}_{x \in V_j}\}_{i=1}^{n}$ finite cover of $V_j$. and

$\cdot$ $\cup_{j=1}^{\infty} B_j$ is a cover of $M$ (Why 5?)
$\cdot$ and a refinement of $X$ (Why 6?)

Best Answer

The set $V_j$ is compact since it is a closed subset of the compact set $K_{j + 1}$. The set $W_j$ is open since it is the intersection of two open sets $\text{Int}(K_{j + 2})$ and $M - K_{j - 1}$. The inclusion $V_j \subset W_j$ holds since $K_{j + 1} \subset \text{Int}(K_{j + 2})$ and $K_{j - 1} \subset \text{Int}(K_j)$. The set $X_x \cap W_j$ is open and contains $x$ so by the definition of a basis, there must exist $B_x \in \mathbb{B}$ such that $x \in B_x \subset X_x \cap W_j$.

The set $\cup_{j = 1}^{\infty} B_j$ is a cover of $M$ since the sets $V_j$ cover $M$ and each $B_j$ covers $V_j$. Each set $B_x$ is contained in some $X_x \in X$. Hence $\cup_{j = 1}^{\infty} B_j$ is a refinement of $X$.