Prove that consecutive integers are always coprime


I'm wondering if the proof below is strong enough to prove that consecutive integers are always coprime.

Let $a$ and $(a+1)$ be our $2$ numbers, and suppose $a$ has $k$ that divides it, then we have $a\equiv 0 \bmod(k)$ , and adding $1$ to each side gives us $a+1\equiv 1\bmod(k)$. And since we can do this to every divisor of $a$ they can never share the same divisor.

Best Answer

Hagen von Eitzen's comment:

Let $k (\not =1)$ be a common divisor of $a+1$ and $a$.


$k$ divides $(a+1)-a$ (why?).

Since $(a+1)-a =1$, $k$ divides $1$, a contradiction.

P.S. A similar argument can be used to prove that there are infinitely many primes.