Prove that all the numbers in the table are even.

discrete mathematicsinvariancepuzzle

In each cell of a 20 x 20 table an integer is written , such that for every 7 rows and 7 columns that we consider the sum of these 49 cells (the cells where the rows and columns intersect) is an even number. Prove that all the numbers in the table are even.

Best Answer

HINT to an alternate solution, partly inspired by @JaapScherphuis and partly inpsired by linear algebra (modulo $2$, i.e. in $\mathbb{F}_2$).

Let $A$ denote the original $20\times 20$ table, $R$ denote a subset of rows, $C$ denote a subset of columns, and

$$S(R,C) = \sum_{r \in R \\ c \in C} A_{r,c}$$

be the sum of numbers in the intersection of those rows and those columns.

(1) You are given that: $S(R,C)$ is even whenever $|R|=|C|=7$, i.e. there are $7$ rows and $7$ columns.

(2) Prove, by repeated applications of (1), that $S(R,C)$ is even whenever $|R|=7, |C|=2$.

(3) Prove, from (1) & (2) together, that $S(R,C)$ is even whenever $|R|=7, |C|=1$, i.e. for the single column case.

Now you go through the analogous process to shrink the number of rows:

(4) Prove, from (3), that $S(R,C)$ is even whenever $|R|=2, |C|=1$.

(5) Prove, from (3) & (4) together, that $S(R,C)$ is even whenever $|R|=|C|=1$, i.e. every cell is even. QED

BTW: this method also clearly shows that the result works only because $7$ itself is odd. If the initial condition were $S(R,C)$ is even whenever $|R|=|C|=6$, then (step 3) breaks down, and indeed there are many counter-examples, e.g. the all-odd grid, checkerboard of odds and evens, etc.