Prove that a sequence that contains subsequences that converges to every unit fraction contains a subsequence that converges to $0$.


How can I proceed with this proof?

Prove that a sequence that contains subsequences that converges to every point in the set $\{1/n: n\in\Bbb{N}\}$ contains a subsequence that converges to $0$.

Suppose that such a sequence, $a_n$, existed. Fix $\epsilon \gt 0$. By the Archimedean Property we can find a large enough $m$ such that we have a subsequence converging to $1/m$.

Is it correct to say that: So, since $1/m$ tends to zero, we have a subsequence that tends to zero?
I think something is missing.

Best Answer

Consider the following sequence OEIS A002260


and then its reciprocal


which has subsequences converging to every unit fraction while the whole sequence does not converge to $0$ as it does not converge at all.

It does have a subsequence which converges to $0$. Was that what you had intended to ask?

To find such a subsequence, look for a sequence of ${N_1},{N_2},{N_3},\ldots$ where $N_m>N_{m-1}$ and $0 < a_{N_m} < \frac2m$. Given $N_{m-1}$, such an $N_m$ must exist as you have a subsequence converging to $\frac1m$ and so an infinite number of terms strictly between $\frac1m-\frac1m$ and $\frac1m + \frac1m$. Then $a_{N_1},a_{N_2},a_{N_3},\ldots$ converges to $0$ so is an example of the desired subsequence.