Prove $\sum_{k=0}^{r}\binom{n}{k}\binom{n}{r-k}\left(-1\right)^{k}=\left(-1\right)^{\frac{r}{2}}\binom{n}{\frac{r}{2}}$ for $r$ even.

binomial-coefficientsdiscrete mathematicssummation

How it can be shown that:



  • $(1)$: Pascal's rule and negative binomial coefficients
  • $(2)$: Converse of Vandermonde's convolution
  • $(3)$: applying the identity $\binom{n}{k}\binom{k}{r}=\binom{n}{r}\binom{n-r}{n-k}$
  • $(4)$: Vandermonde's convolution
  • $(5)$: negative binomial coefficients

The final answer depends on the alternating sign Vandermonde convolution.

It's known that:


For $r$ even.

So setting $2r \mapsto r$ follows the result, but how even $\text{(I)}$ can be proved?

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Best Answer

left hand side is the coefficient of $x^{r}$ from $(1-x)^{n}(1+x)^{n}$.

right hand side is the coefficient of $x^{r}$ from $(1-x^{2})^{n}$.