Prove R is an equivalence relation on A. Then Prove a partition is the set of equivalence classes of R


P is a partition of a set A. Define a relation R on A by declaring $xRy$ iff $x,y\in X$ for some $X\in P$. Prove R is an equivalence relation on A, then prove that P is a set of equivalence classes of R.

I don't know how to prove this

Best Answer

The definitions of partition and equivalence classes are very closely related.

The definition of a partition is a collection of disjoint subsets $X_\alpha$ of $A$ so that each and every $a\in A$ is in precisely one $X_\alpha$.

So why does that imply an equivalence relation and why are the equivalence classes precisely the sets $X_\alpha$?

Why Reflexivity: $a R a$ for all $a\in A$. That is precisely the condition that every $a\in A$ is in some subset $X_a$. There is an $X_a$ so that $a \in X_a$. So $a \in X_a$ and $a \in X_a$ so $a R a$.

Why Symmetry: If $a R b$ then $b R a$. Well, that's impossible not to be true! If $a,b$ are both in the same subset $X_i$ then... they are both in the same subset $X_i$. So $a R b$ means there is an $X_i$ so that $a,b \in X_i$ and so $b,a\in X_i$ and $b R a$.

Why trasitivity: If $a R b$ and $b R c$ then $a R c$. Why? Well, this is where the $X_{\alpha}$ are distinct comes into play. $a$ must by is some $X_a$. But $X_a$ is the only $X_a$ so that $a \in X_a$ because that is what a partition is; each element of $A$ is in precisely one set. So if $a R b$ then they are in the same set which means $b \in X_a$. And that's the only set $b$ is in. And if $b R c$ then $b$ and $c$ are in the same set. And that set is $X_a$ because that's the only set $b$ is in. So $a,b$ and $c$ are all in $X_a$. So $a,c \in X_a$. Which meas $a R c$.

No an equivalence class is collections of subsets $E_a$ of $A$ so that for each $a\in A$ then $E_a = \{b \in A|a R b\}$. In other words $E_a = \{b\in A| a,b \in $ the same subset partion$\}$. But there is only one partion $X_a$ that contains $a$ and $E_a$ is the set that has precisely all the elements that also in the same partition and nothing else; the $E_a$ is the set that contains all the same elements of $X_a$. Which means $E_a$ is equal to $X_a$. And that is true for every element and for every subset of the partition. So $\{E_a\}$ is the exact same subset as the partition.

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