Prove or disprove on bounded variation


Prove or disprove :

If a function $f$ is bounded on $[\alpha,\beta]$ and Riemann integrable on $[\alpha,\beta]$ then it is integral function $F(x)= \int_{\alpha}^{x} f(t) dt$
is of bounded variation on $[\alpha,\beta]$.

My attempt:

I tried to find a counter example on a function $F(x)$ which is bounded on $[\alpha,\beta]$ and continuous but it's not bounded variation on $[\alpha,\beta]$
and it's derivative is bounded on $[\alpha,\beta]$ and Riemann integrable
But almost I didn't find any example satisfying the above conditions.

Best Answer

$F(x)$ must be of bounded variation thats why you couldnt find any counterexample. To see this, observe that if $|f(t)|\leq M$ for every $t\in [\alpha,\beta]$ then, for every $x,y$ \begin{align} |F(x)-F(y)|&=\biggl|\int_{\alpha}^x f(t)\,dt-\int_{\alpha}^y f(t)\,dt\biggr|\\ &=\biggl|\int_{x}^y f(t)\,dt\biggr|\\ &\leq \int_{x}^y |f(t)|\,dt\\ &\leq M|x-y| \end{align} This shows that $F$ is Lipschitz continuous with constant $M$. Now using the definition of bounded variation try to prove that every Lipshcitz continuous function on $[\alpha,\beta]$ is of bounded variation.