Prove or disprove: if $⊢_{FOL}\exists x\forall y\ \psi$ then $⊢_{FOL}\psi\{t/x\}$


Let $\psi$ be a formula without quantifiers in a language with at least one constant ,
such that $\exists x\forall y\ \psi$ is a sentence.
Prove or disprove:
If $⊢_{FOL}\exists x\forall y\ \psi$ then there's exist a closed term $t$ such that $⊢_{FOL}\psi\{t/x\}$

I think the claim is correct.
I tried proving it as follows:
$⊢_{FOL}\exists x\forall y\ \psi$ iff
$\forall x\exists y\ \neg\psi$ isn't satisfiable iff (by Skolem theorem)
$\forall x\ \neg\psi\{f(x)/y\}$ isn't satisfiable (where $f$ is a new function symbol)
then I tried to use Herbrand's theorem and I got stuck.

Best Answer

I've found a counter example:
Let $\sigma=\{c,p\}$
Let $\psi=p(y)\vee\neg p(x)$

$\vdash_{FOL}\exists x\forall y\ (p(y)\vee\neg p(x))$)
Because $\exists x\forall y\ (p(y)\vee\neg p(x)) \equiv (\forall y \ p(y))\vee (\neg \forall x \ p(x))$

$\nvdash_{FOL}p(y)\vee\neg p(c)$
Because if we define:
$M=<\{0,1\},I>$ such that $I[p]=\{1\}\ ,I[c]=1$
and an assignment $v$ such that $v[y]=0$,
then $v[p(y)\vee\neg p(c)]=$f
and $c$ is the only closed term in the language

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