Prove Legendre Polynomials’ recurrence relation without using explicit formula

legendre polynomialsorthogonal-polynomialsreal-analysisrecurrence-relationsspecial functions

Assume there is an inner product on linear space $V = \{ \text{polynormials}\}$:
$$\langle f, g\rangle = \int_{-1}^1 w(t) f(t)g(t) dt$$ with $w(t) \ge 0$ and not identically zero.

Then we can construct general Legendre Polynomials with coefficient of highest degree = 1
$$p_0(x) = 1$$
$$p_i(x) = x^i – \sum_{j=0}^{i-1}\frac{\langle x^i, p_j\rangle}{\langle p_j, p_j\rangle} p_j$$

These are orthogonal basis for $V$.

Only by these conditions, how to prove there exist $a_i$ and $b_i$ such that
$$x p_{i-1}(x) = p_i(x) + a_i p_{i-1}(x) + b_i p_{i-2}(x)$$
similiar to recurrence relation of Legendre Polynomials.

I know for Legendre Polynomials, we use generating function to prove these relations. How to prove these for generic weight?

My attempt:
$$p_i(x) = x^i – \sum_{j=0}^{i-1}c^i_j p_j$$
with $c^i_j = \frac{\langle x^i, p_j\rangle}{\langle p_j, p_j\rangle}$

$$x p_{i-1}(x) = x^i – \sum_{j=0}^{i-2}c^{i-1}_j x p_j$$

$$ x p_{i-1} – p_i = \sum_{j=0}^{i-1}c^i_j p_j – \sum_{j=0}^{i-2}c^{i-1}_j (p_{j+1} + a_{j+1}p_j + b_{j+1} p_{j-1})$$

From coefficients of $p_{i-1}$ and $p_{i-2}$, we can get $a_i$ and $b_i$ formula. However, I cannot show coefficients of $p_j$ with $j < i – 2$ will cancel each other.

Best Answer

The following is an adapted translation of, Suite_de_polynômes_orthogonaux#Relation_de_récurrence.

Let us prove that $$p_{n+1}=(x+b_n)p_n-c_np_{n-1}$$ where $$b_n=k_{n+1}- k_n,\qquad c_n=\frac{h_n}{h_{n-1}},$$ $k_j,h_j$ being given by $$p_j(x)=x^j+k_jx^{j-1}+\cdots,\quad h_j=\langle p_j,p_j \rangle.$$

(By convention, $c_0=p_{-1}=k_0=0.$)

The polynomial $(x+b_n)p_n–p_{n+1}$ has a degree $<n$ hence may be written $\sum_{j=0}^{n-1}\mu_{n,j}p_j,$ with $h_j\mu_{n,j}=\langle (x+b_n)p_n-p_{n+1},p_j\rangle=\langle xp_n,p_j\rangle$ (since for $j<n,$ $p_j$ is orthogonal to $p_n$ and to $p_{n+1}$).

Moreover, $\langle xp_n,p_j\rangle=\langle p_n,xp_j\rangle.$

  • For $j<n-1,$ this inner product is $0$ because $\deg(x p_j)<n.$
  • For $j=n-1,$ it is equal to $h_n$ because (reasoning like previously) $x p_{n-1}–p_n$ has a degree $<n.$

We may conclude: $(x+b_n)p_n-p_{n+1}= c_np_{n-1},$ where $c_n=\mu_{n,n-1}=\frac{h_n}{h_{n-1}}.$