Prove $EB=EC$ and that $F,M,G,C$ are concyclic in the given figure


Given is a quadrilateral $ABCD$ in which $\angle DAB=\angle CDA=90$. Point M is the midpoint of side $BC$ and circumscribed circles of triangles $\triangle ABM$ and $\triangle DCM$ meet at points $M$ and $E$. The line $EC$ intersects the circumscribed circle of $ABM$ second time in $F$, and lines $AF$ and $CD$ meet at $G$. Prove $EB=EC$ and that $F,M,G,C$ are concyclic.


I've only worked on $EB=EC$ as I assume that's a prerequisite to $F,M,G,C$ being proven to be concyclic. I think we might have to prove that $E$ has to be on line $AD$ as we know that since $\triangle EBC$ should be an isosceles triangle and $M$ is midpoint of $BC$ the angles $\angle EMC=\angle EMB=90$, but also we know that since $CDEM$ is an cyclic quadrilateral that $\angle EMC+\angle EDC=180$ and $\angle EDC=\angle CDA-\angle ADE$ so $\angle ADE=0$? Any help's appreciated, thanks!

Best Answer

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Prove that $\angle AFM= \angle DCM$ by considering their relationships with $\angle ABC$.

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