Prove difference between a set and the union of other two sets


This question asked which of the two following formulas was always right whilst the other one was sometimes wrong, and what was the necessary and sufficient condition for the formula which was sometimes incorrect to be always right:

  • (i) $\; A – (B – C) = (A – B) \cup C $

  • (ii) $\; A – (B \cup C) = (A – B) – C $

Using Venn diagrams, I guessed (ii) was always right, and (i) would be wrong if $A$ and $C$ are disjoint. Thus, the necessary and sufficient condition for (i) to be correct was $A$ and $C$ contain some elements in common.

My questions are:

  1. Were my guesses correct?

  2. How could I prove the two formulas above using words/expressions rather than using Venn diagrams?

Thanks a lot.

Best Answer

Yes, your guesses are correct (except for “the necessary and sufficient condition for (i) to be correct” — I explain it in my other answer.)

Ad (i):

To prove, that it is not always true, it is sufficient to provide particular sets $A$, $B$, $C$ which don't satisfy the equation (i.e. so called contra example).

So let $A$, $B$, $C$ are as in this table, where are progressively calculated expressions from them:

Row Expression Value
1 $$A$$ $$\{1\}$$
2 $$B$$ $$\emptyset$$
3 $$C$$ $$\{2\}$$
4 $$(B-C)$$ $$\emptyset$$
5 $$A−(B−C)$$ $$\{1\}$$
6 $$(A−B)$$ $$\{1\}$$
7 $$(A−B)∪C$$ $$\{1, 2\}$$

By comparing rows 5 and 7 we see that the equation is not satisfied.

Ad (ii):

To prove the equality for every sets $A$, $B$, $C$, we need to prove that every element in the set on the left-hand side of the equality


belongs to the right-hand set, and vice versa.

So let

$$x \in A−(B∪C).$$

Then by definition of the set subtraction

$$x \in A, \ \text{but}\ x \notin (B \cup C)$$

But if $x \notin (B \cup C)$, then by definition of the set union

$$\text{neither}\ x \in B, \ \text{nor}\ x \in C$$

which mean — again by definiton of the set subtraction — that

$$x \in (A - B), \ \text{ but }\ x \notin C$$

i.e. — once more by definiton of the set subtraction — that

$$x \in (A - B) - C$$

So we proved that the arbitrary element $x$ of the left-hand side belongs to the right-hand side, too.

The reversed statement we may prove by similar manner.