Prove “Contractible implies simply connected” using tools in Munkres Topology. Context is theta-space.


I've read this online, but I haven't seen this proved in Munkres Topology. Has it been? If so, where?

In any case, here is my attempt to show it using the tools given in the book. Please verify.

The book has 2 exercises on contractible spaces. One says contractible spaces are path connected and the other says a space is contractible if and only if the space has the same homotopy type of a one-point space. Since simply connected is defined as path connected and trivial fundamental group, I think that if a space has the same homotopy type as that of a one-point space, then the fundamental group of the space is trivial. Is that right? If so, I can work out the details myself.

Exercise 51.3b

enter image description here

Exercise 58.5

enter image description here

Definition of fundamental group

enter image description here

Definition of simply connected

enter image description here

The context is the claim made here in Example 70.1

enter image description here

Best Answer

I thought of one. Use Corollary 58.6 with $h$ as the identity map.

enter image description here

Since $h$ is nullhomotopic by definition of contractible, the induced homomorphism $h_{*}$ is both the identity isomorphism and the trivial homomorphism.

This means all loop classes are what they are mapped to, which is the identity class!