Proposition II.3.2 of Hartshorne and quasi-compactness


In Proposition II.3.2 of Hartshorne book "algebraic geometry".
The goal is to show that any open affine subscheme of a locally noetherian scheme is noetherian.

At first, I assumed a scheme $X$ is the spectrum of $A$ and noetherian, and I showed $A$ is noetherian.
Secondly, I let $X$ locally noetherian and $U$ the spectrum of $A$ which is open in $X$.
I understood $U$ is locally noetherian but I don't know it is quasi-compact. Replacing the first case doesn't mean that any open affine is quasi-compact, does it? Then how can I get over here?

Best Answer

Every affine scheme is quasi-compact. Indeed, a collection of basic open sets $D(f_i)$ cover $\operatorname{Spec} A$ iff there is no prime ideal that contains all the elements $f_i$. This just means that the ideal $I$ generated by the elements $f_i$ is the entire ring $A$. An ideal $I$ is the entire ring iff $1\in I$. But if $1\in I$, then $1$ is a linear combination of the generators $f_i$, and this linear combination involves only finitely many of the generators. So, there are finitely many $f_{i_1},\dots,f_{i_n}$ which generate $A$ as an ideal, which then means that $D(f_{i_1}),\dots,D(f_{i_n})$ cover $\operatorname{Spec} A$ and are a finite subcover of our original cover.