Proposition 7.4 of Euclid’s Elements


Here is an online version of Book 7 of Elements where the following definitions and proposition can be found:

Note: In his books on number theory, Euclid uses the word "measures" in place of "divides".


  1. A unit is that by virtue of which each of the things that exist is called one.

  2. A number is a multitude composed of units. (Thus, a number is a positive integer greater than one.)

  3. A number is a part of a(nother) number, the less of the greater, when it measures the greater;

  4. But (the lesser is) parts (of the greater) when it does not measure it.

Proposition 7.4 says:

Any number is either a part or parts of any (other) number, the less of the

Euclid gives a somewhat long proof of this but isn't it obvious? If $a<b$, $a$ either measures $b$ or doesn't measure $b$. Thus, $a$ is either a part or parts of $b$.

What am I missing?

Best Answer

In Book VII you'll find

Definitions 3–5

  1. A number is a part of a number, the less of the greater, when it measures the greater;

  2. But parts when it does not measure it.

  3. The greater number is a multiple of the less when it is measured by the less.

When you read these definitions it appears that Euclid's definition is an axiomatic statement:

$\quad$ IF $a \lt b$ THEN $[ \,a \text{ is a part of } b\,] \text{ xor } [\,a \text{ is parts of } b\,]$.

In the guide to the above definitions you'll find

There is one more difficulty with this definition. It seems obvious that when one number $a =mu$ is less than another $b =nu$, then in all cases $a$ would be parts of $b$, namely $a$ consists of $m \text{ one-}n^\text{th}$ parts of $b$. Yet, the proposition VII.4 has a proof to show that $a$ is either a part or parts of $b$. The reason is that the desired parts should be in lowest terms. For our example, where $a = 4u$ and $b = 6u$, it isn’t enough to say that $a$ is 4 one-sixth parts of $b$; what’s needed is that $a$ is $2$ one-third parts of $b$.

So I think Euclid felt the need for an $\text{XOR}$ algorithm that could decide the matter for any two distinct numbers. Lurking behind this is that he won't be defining rational numbers as an equivalence relation on a set - he needs to calculate a a canonical representation/idea/concept.

Euclid's logic of not regarding $1$ as a number also plays a part in this. My guess is that an attempt was being made to 'compartmentalize' concepts and to avoid trivial statements. For Euclid the number, say five, is a multitude of units. He doesn't want to also say that one is a part of five.

It is interesting how liberating the logic becomes, when, in modern mathematical treatments we don't ignore or shortchange the trivial numbers $1$ or $0$. Euclid would certainly be amazed to see how much things open up once we can all agree on the existence of the empty set.