Proposition 5.3 in Neukirch’s algebraic number theory


I have a question in Neukirch's algebraic number theory (Proposition 5.3)

In last 2 lines, he define group homomorphism from the ''units of valuation ring'' to the 'units of residue field'.

Why the $(q-1)$th roots of unity bijectively mapped onto 'units of residue field'?

I also feel a bit confused: if $u_1$ and $u_2$ are mapped to same class, then does it mean $u_1-u_2 \in p$ or $u_1u_2^{-1} \in p$, where $p$ is the maximal ideal? [I think it should be first one by the definition of quotient ring. But the proposition says the decomposition is multiplication, not addition.]

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Best Answer

The reduction is a mapping of multiplicative groups. Think of the simplest case, with the $p$-adic integers: $\mathbf Z_p^\times \to (\mathbf Z_p/p\mathbf Z_p)^\times$ by $u \mapsto u \bmod p\mathbf Z_p$. The kernel is $1 + p\mathbf Z_p$, and $u \equiv v \bmod p\mathbf Z_p$ for units $u, v \in \mathbf Z_p^\times$ if and only if $u - v \in p\mathbf Z_p$, which can be written as a multiplicative coset relation: $u/v \in 1 + p\mathbf Z_p$. That would not be true if we weren't working with units.

If you don't see why the $(q-1)$-th roots of unity map bijective to the residue field, make sure to understand that in the simplest case of $\mathbf Z_p^\times$ first: why does $\mathbf Z_p^\times$ contain $(p-1)$-th roots of unity, and why do they reduce mod $p$ to the different elements of $(\mathbf Z_p/p\mathbf Z_p)^\times$? (Hint: Think of Hensel's lemma for $x^{p-1}-1$.)

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