Proposition 4.2.24 in Liu Qing‘s AG book


In the book Algebraic Geometry and Arithmetic Curves, Qing Liu states the following proposition:

Proposition 4.2.24. Let $X$ be an algebraic variety over an algebraically closed field $k$ (i.e. $X\to \mathrm{Spec}(k)$ is of finite type). Then $\mathrm{Reg}(X)$ (regular locus) is an open subset.

The first step of his proof: since $U=\{x\in X:O_{X,x}\text{ is a domain}\}\subset X$ is open, and contains $\mathrm{Reg}(X)$, we may reduce to $X$ integral.

My question: why can we reduce to this case? $U$ is reduced but is it integral?

Best Answer

I rephrase my comment for clarity, answering the OP’s comment as well.

$U$ isn’t integral, but we can find it has an “almost integral structure”.

Indeed, for each $x \in U$, $O_{X,x}$ is a domain. With a slight back-and-forth with commutative algebra, it implies that there is only one irreducible component of $U$ going through any given point.

So the (finitely many) irreducible components of $U$ are pairwise disjoint and closed. As a consequence, they are open. Therefore, $U$ is a disjoint reunion of integral open subschemes.

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